Monday, 2 March 2015

How many children ? You must be mad!

I have seen this a lot lately, whether it's because my friends are expanding their family or I happen to scroll by a 'perfect mothers meeting' online which consists of putting other parents down because they don't have the same views as them.

I myself have heard such nasty things in the past when it comes to people commenting on the number of people in OUR family.

The classics.

  • Wow, you must be mad!
  • Do you not have a TV ?
  • You don't look like you have 4 (what were you expecting me to look like?)
  • Ah, so you have twins ? (yeah because having 4 single pregnancies is just unheard of.)
  • I bet you could do with a break (a break from what ? .. parenting ?)
  • You've got your hands full! (my personal favourite... full of love.. yes!)

Maybe I'm mistaken but these seem very rude to me, I wouldn't dream of commenting on someone's personal choices especially with an unthoughtful, narrow minded, hurtful , unwanted opinion.
The worst thing is people seem to think they have some right to comment in the first place.

The way I see it... If  you feed my child, hug them when they have nightmares, kiss the poorly cut on their finger, sing them to sleep, wash them, snuggle with them when they are ill and everything else that comes with raising children... THEN and only then, may your opinion matter.

I don't comment on the woman's only child at the soft play centre 'Don't you think you should try for a sibling?'... Maybe she just wants one, maybe she struggled to even have one... and that's fine. It's her choice , it's what is right for her. The same if you have 2,3,4,5 and even 20 !

I was one of 5 and although our house at times was total chaos ... I LOVED IT!
No matter what, someone was always around. Plus being the youngest of my sisters had great bonuses like 'borrowing' their clothes, make-up and even their clever teenage come backs.
Of course there were down sides.
You never got away with anything, always some one around to catch you sneaking out when you were grounded. Always someone to tell on you too haha!

My siblings. (L-R).. Me and Chantel, Me and Danielle, Me and Anthony, Me and Danielle (again) and Danielle and Steph.

My siblings have been my best friends and my worst enemies at times but we all love each other, protect one another and we know we always have someone to turn to.

How many children you have or don't have is your choice. Don't let other people spoil your joy.

I hope people who would normally make a comment on the amount of children people have would think twice in future, after all children are a blessing, whether it's the 1st or last of many.

I wouldn't change my children for the world, they are perfect and I am very proud to be their mother.

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