Monday, 16 March 2015

Before I was a parent.... I was the perfect parent.

As parents we see the childless parents all the time - These are people who are watching you , judging you, though despite having no children yet themselves - they know it all.

Oh yes I was one of those childless parents who thought I knew a better way to handle the pressure of parenthood.. I thought I could diffuse tantrums in seconds, negotiate with a toddler and much more all without raising my voice or becoming slightly frustrated.

THEN... along came motherhood and whoa! It chewed me up and spat me out.
I'd gone from knowing everything to having to learn everything. The things I thought were easy situations were now a huge wall which seemed impossible to climb over.

My whole perception was changed in a heartbeat and my way of thinking drastically changed:

Then - Yes, you may have another cookie despite it being an hour before dinner time and you've already had two, whatever makes you happy.

Now - No, you can think again if you're having any biscuits at all right before dinner time, you can kick, scream and roll around on the floor the answer is no.

Then - oh you don't want to be put down ? OK I will carry you as long as my arm is still attached.

Now - You have legs, use them. I refuse to carry you everywhere.

Then - Don't do that darling, it's not very nice x100.

Now -  Don't do that darling, it's not very nice x1 ... I've said don't, now stop x1... Right, that's it ! you need a time out.

Sometimes in my house I have to turn a little psycho just to get anyone to listen. It's not often but the kids seem to figure out that they have gone way too far and all of a sudden they begin to do things I haven't even asked them to do yet. Despite thinking pre-children that I would never have to raise my voice to get my child to listen... Sometimes, there is no other option.

I don't give in to demands of my little people, that only proves to them that if they kick off for long enough I'll give in. Yes I've learned a whole lot more since becoming a parent, including how stupid my pre-parent views were.

I now smile when I see childless parents judging me because I think to myself.. One day you will realise how little you actually know, just like I did and that day you will realise that you will also be judged the way you once judged... and one day you will smile about it too.

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