Thursday, 16 June 2016

Liar liar ... Pants on fire!

We spend time teaching our children not to lie yet most of us Parents do, A LOT of the time.

Of course the little lies we tell are to protect our children or to make things more fun.
Thankfully we are not as obvious as Pinocchio ...

Monsters under the bed:
Fear not Parents can pull out the monster spray! Monsters hate this stuff, it sends them right back to the monster world making them fear ever coming back.

Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy:
These bring so much more fun to children. The excitement that children get from meeting Santa, receiving eggs from the Easter Bunny or a coin from the Tooth fairy is priceless. Yes annoyingly they get all the credit but it's so worth it.

In my house Fairies are real, this came about a while ago when my daughter was playing in the pool and became scared of a large Dragon fly near by. The only small flying non-scary thing I could think of were fairies, Every time my children see Dragonflies they say the fairies are in the garden and they are no longer scared of them.

Thunder storms:
We have recently had storms. My toddler was very scared of them and let's face it a scientific explanation would just not cut it for a 2 year old... So we told him that the lightening was like Christmas lights and that clouds love the lights so they 'clap' with joy (thunder)... This seemed to work even though we did have to clap and shout yay during every rumble.

Characters have bed times too:
Programmes are now available at the touch of a button 24/7 no waiting for it to come on at a certain time. Some times it's a total life saver but other times you dread that your child knows their favourite character is easily available at any time but when it's bedtime and your child wants to watch a particularly annoying programme on TV - even worse when it's a certain episode you've seen more times than you could possibly remember. I tell them, sorry it's late Peppa Pig is asleep now. 
Naughty Mummy! 

If we are not lying about what the actual food is (roast chicken = the chicken from Mcdonalds nuggets) we are lying about what is in their food (I swear I did not blend carrots into the pasta sauce)
Sometimes they catch me out but most of the time they have no idea.. you don't eat Cauliflower? That's what you think. 

If only our children knew how much we actually lied we would never hear the last of  'liar liar pants on fire' ...
Of course our lies are never meant to hurt/upset our children they are said with the best intentions. One day we know our children will probably be using the same lies with their own children.

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