Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Exciting times!

The last week has been a busy week.


On Friday I travelled to Manchester (my home town) to see family and celebrate my nephews 11th birthday. It was loads of fun catching up with my sisters and niece going out for family meals. I got to see my 4 nephew's who grow up so fast that every time I see them I swear I've blinked and they've shot up another foot.

Me, my sister (left) and my niece (right) at Chiquitos.

Pregnancy week 7:

I arrived back home on Tuesday afternoon just in time for my 1st midwife appointment. I was worried about the reply when we told her this is our 5th baby but she was lovely ' A big family, how lovely.' It was a reply I grinned ear to eat at, after all the last person you need to feel judged by during pregnancy is the one woman keeping you are your baby safe. We went through all the notes (I really did forget how long they took to fill in). Checked dates from LMP and estimated that baby Hobbs is due around the 20th of December (eek!) though this could change with the 12 week dating scan.

I love to read up on what's happening with my baby this week (what expecting mother doesn't ?)
This week our baby is the size of a blueberry and is around half an inch long.

He or she is now growing limbs.

Knowing how our baby is growing keeps me sane it gives me a reason for why I feel so tired and sick all the time (and have a lovely 'greasy' shine- see picture at top haha) as at this early stage there is no other evidence that there is an actual baby in there (roll on scan day) although we know there is. I always love to see them on the 12 week scan as it sort on confirms that actually, yes it's real... It's really there!

 Oh and my latest cravings ? .... Jaffa cakes and Mcdonalds salads.